Client: Ministry of Economy
Date: 08/2016 – 01/2017
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Funded by: World Bank
Date: 08/2016 – 01/2017
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Funded by: World Bank
The objective of the ISWM project is to support the reform of the Greater Baku sol-id waste collection and disposal opera-tions into an effective and sustainable sys-tem in the areas of (i) improving environ-mental conditions at the existing waste disposal sites, (ii) increasing operational, management and communication capabil-ities, (iii) roll-out of collection services, and (iv) data collection and planning.
The key success indicators for the ISWM project are:
- Environmental control measures in place at formal operational disposal sites for water management; coverage of dump area surface to eliminate fires; and limited access to disposal sites.
- Increased percentage of population served by an effective formal solid waste management system which in-cludes collection, recovery/utilization and disposal.
- Increased number of households that pay an appropriate tariff for supporting an effective and sustainable solid waste collection program.
- Improved disposal management sys-tems as evidenced by the number of informal dumps that are effectively closed.