Islamic Solidarity Games (AISGOC): Provision of Structural Load Assessment Services, Mechanical Survey and Analysis of Water Infrastructure in Athletes Village (AVL), Crystal Hall and Other Engineering Services on the Venues in Baku
Client: Islamic Solidarity Games
Date: 12/2016 – 06.2017
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Funded by: BEGOC
Date: 12/2016 – 06.2017
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Funded by: BEGOC
Islamic Solidarity Games (AISGOC): Pro-vision of Structural Load Assessment Ser-vices, Mechanical Survey and Analysis of Water Infrastructure in Athletes Village (AVL), Crystal Hall and Other Engineering Services on the Venues in Baku.
The objective of this project is provid-ing AISGOC with Structural Load Assess-ment Services, Mechanical Survey and Analysis of Water Infrastructure in Athletes Village (AVL), Crystal Hall and Other En-gineering Services.
Carrying out structural analysis and as-sessment to confirm structural adequacy of the rigging structure used to support the hanging of curtains at mentioned places and to provide a design solution in the ab-sence of adequate structural support;
- Support the installation of the Volley-ball Field of Play at Crystal Hall
- Complete a structural analysis in sup-port of the attached documents provid-ed and based on the results of this analysis provide AISGOC with the con-firmation that the existing floor slab at first levels have the structural capacity to support the dead and live loads per-taining to the used areas;
- Confirm that structural adequacy can be provided by the existing structural elements; existing floor slab at first lev-els have the structural capacity to sup-port the dead and live loads pertaining to the used areas; and the list of the deficiencies and defects within the floor structures at first levels,
- Provide with engineering services and surveys to carry out a topographical survey of the Public Transport Mall at the Baku Olympic Stadium