Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin Project: Project Implementation Consultant inducing Survey and Design
ARPA Consulting implements its first project in Tajikistan together with FCG International Ltd (Finland) for Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin Project: Project Implementation Consultant inducing Survey and Design.
The project will support Hydromet of Tajikistan in capacity building to improve forecasting and warning of extreme weather events. The project will develop Hydromet’s capacity for flood forecasting and local flood alerts to support improvements in the water resources management and disaster risk reduction in the PRB area. The project will provide flood awareness and preparedness training for local stakeholders as well as implement a viable business model for the marketing and sale of fee-based services. A system and platform for the sale of information and forecasting products will be developed, and at least one new weather information product will be marketed among key stakeholders in the PRB to support agricultural production and water resource management. New office buildings will be constructed in accordance with the FIDIC guidelines.