Together with AECOM and Urban Logics ARPA Consulting started works on the fascinating project on Development of Green City Action Plan for Dushanbe City.
The Municipality of Dushanbe (“the City” or “the Client”) has expressed a desire to take a systematic approach to addressing its urban environmental challenges. The City wants to tackle a broad set of environmental challenges, including water, air, soil and climate change issues, to be addressed through drafting and implementing a Green City Action Plan (the “GCAP”). The GCAP is the key tool of EBRD Green Cities and covers a wide range of urban environmental challenges. It is designed to guide a City through four main steps – from establishing a i) Green City Baseline, developing a ii) Green City Action Plan, all the way through iii) implementation and iv) reporting on progress and outcomes. The methodology for the GCAP has been developed by EBRD together with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) and International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (“ICLEI”). This document will be updated and refined from time-to time, with consultants informed of when the most up to date version is published