Client: Qair International
Date: August 2022 / November 2022
Location: Azerbaijan
- Works on project preparation, clarification of the scope of work, determination of environmental aspects in terms of environmental impact
- Current legislation, standards, and state policy in the field of environmental protection.Company Environment, Health, and Safety Policy Project overview.
- Project location. Project site conditions.
- Adjacent areas. (According to the results of field research).
- Project Components. Project solution.
Alternatives to the project:
- Site selection options
- Design options
- Technological alternatives,
One of the requirements of ESIA documents is the evaluation of alternatives.
Initially for this project
- In the absence of a project, environmental, social and economic issues
- It brings environmental, social and economic issues to life.
- Site selection alternatives for this project, such as why the project should be implemented in the proposed location and not in anotherarea (site), what are the advantages over other locations, etc.
- The same ideas are given in designing and the research results on the difference and advantage of the technology used in the project fromother technological solutions, why this technology is applied, etc.
- Description of the environment (lands and landscapes, meteorology, hydrography, air quality, etc.). Preparation of a review (report) basedon the results of an assessment of the current environmental status of the project area and upcoming research work.
- Assessment of significant environmental and social impacts. (separately during construction and operation)
- Landscape and visual; land use; geology and hydrology (soils and groundwater); biodiversity; Birds (Avi -Fauna); the bats;
- Archeology and cultural heritage; air quality; Infrastructure and housing and
- communal services; Public Health, Safety and Security; Socioeconomic conditions;
- Occupational health and safety; and d (to be determined during evaluation)
- Calculation of emissions using special programs
Preparation of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP):
- Mitigation measures and plan;
- Conducting monitoring and monitoring plan,
- Environmental management program and its regulation plan.
- Preparation of a preliminary version of the environmental impact assessment report based on the prepared materials, carrying out discussions with stakeholders.
- Socio-economic analysis: The methodology will be based mainly on desktop research, analysis of secondary data from the existing national statistics, national and international organizations’ reports.
- In the future when the particular site is identified within Netfchala area, the detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, site visits and public consultation will be needed, and additional days will be required.

