Client: Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan Republic
Date: 05/2015 – 01/2016
Location: Baku, Masalli (Azerbaijan)
Funded by: World Bank
World Bank has approved a US$100 mil-lion loan to the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Judicial Services and Smart Infrastruc-ture Project (JSSIP).
The JSSIP included a component to ex-pand and modernize justice sector physi-cal and ICT infrastructure to improve the delivery of justice services.
The MOJ intended to engage the services of a consultant to undertake an independ-ent technical review (ITR) of the detailed designs/drawings (architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical etc.), other rele-vant documents (site/situation plans etc.), bills of quantities and cost estimates of the civil works activities to provide assurance to MOJ management that the infrastructure activities are in conformity with the highest applicable international (especially Euro-pean) technical standards and that the re-sulting cost estimates are robust.
The project was intended to finance the construction of courthouses, court com-plexes and MOJ infrastructure such as a data center and a backup data center at different locations across Azerbaijan. The total number of locations is about four courthouses and court complexes, includ-ing construction of the following:
- Modern court complex in large urban center (e.g. Baku Grave Crime Courts Complex);
- Modern district courthouse in more dis-tant locations (e.g. Masalli District Court);
- A Data Center for the envisaged MoJ ICT infrastructure & IT Department;
- Providing basic sector disaster recov-ery and business continuity capability by rehabilitating and upgrading the MOJ Backup Center.