Client: Ministry of Justice
Date: 01/2018 – 12/2018
Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Funded by: World Bank
The objective of this assignment is implementation of the pilot will target the high numbers of eligible recipients who are currently left without legal aid and related services and will include outreach and awareness campaigns. Data collection will complement these activities to reveal insights on an ongoing basis about recipients, needs and demands on the ground, to adjust the outreach and service provisions as needed, and to facilitate a policy dialogue around legal aid and access to justice services. It is foreseen that a minimum of 3,500 eligible citizens will benefit from services provided under this activity (policy research institutes, think tanks, non-governmental organizations).
In particular, and in the context of a constrained environment to provide legal aid services, the objective of the assignment is to assist the MOJ to:
(a) Identify innovative and cost-efficient ways of providing legal aid services, including (i) awareness-raising,
(ii) counselling,
(iii) mediation, and
(iv) (if and as permitted) representation of vulnerable groups, such as IDPs, women, juveniles, minorities, poor and rural/underserved communities;
(b) Identify solutions to overcome barriers and challenges in accessing justice particular to vulnerable groups of the population; and
(c) Develop and implement findings and recommendations to improve access to justice and legal aid services based on an evaluation of the activities implemented.
(d) Conduct monthly data collection to further identify needs and demands which will feed into an ongoing provision of services and provide the basis for the recommendations developed (see above under (c)).